The best gluten-free chocolate chip cookies

This recipe is linked to Simple Meals Friday.


Probably the best cookies I`ve ever made and definitely the best chocolate chip cookies I`ve ever had:)

This makes enough cookies for two very greedy eaters or 6-8 kindly sharing eaters (2-3 for each, depending on how big you like your cookies).


You will need:

5-6 heaped tablespoons of organic mayonnaise

1 medium egg

4-5 tablespoons of rapeseed oil (you can also use olive oil)

2-3 handfuls of dark soft unrefined sugar

3-4 handfuls of oat bran

3-4 handfuls of buckwheat polenta (if you can`t find that you can just skip it and use more buckwheat flour)

buckwheat flour

0.25 teaspoon of salt

1.5 teaspoons of baking powder

1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

dark chocolate – as strong and as much as you like. I don`t like very dark chocolate so I used about 25 g of 50% chocolate for these. But you can use 100 g of 70% chocolate if you love it.
First mix mayo and egg, using a spoon. Then add oil, mix it, add sugar and mix it.

Mix oat bran, buckwheat polenta, salt, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Mix it into the mayo cream. Now add buckwheat flour a little at a time until you have a soft dough that can be turned whole with spoon. Chop chocolate to make chips of different size and mix into dough.

Preheat the oven to 190-200 Celsius (that is 374-392 Fahrenheit) or whatever temperature you`re used to baking cookies at.  Cover the griddle with a baking sheet.

Make about 0.5 cm (0.2 in) thick cookies and bake until golden brown, approximately 10 minutes.

Cookies will be soft and taste rich:)